Friday, January 29, 2010


Sequences occur all our lives. For example when we count, 1..2...3... and so on. when we multiply by a given number, 1*2, 1*3 and so on. But a known mathematical example of sequences are Fibonacci's. Arithmetical. Pascal's triangle use sequences through out the entire triangle. It is important for young elementary children to learn patterns and sequences. With out them the will struggle in math.

Children struggle with math almost everyday. The website: can help with many different areas of struggles like graphing, calculating expressions and other things. This is the best Website i found was very helpful. The website had activities to help with pascal's triangle, fractions, graphs and regular number sequences.

Here is a video on Pascal's triangle.
Here is a video on Fibonacci sequence.
Here is a video on Number sequences.


  1. I never really realized how many different sequences there are. I found the movies to be very interesting, and the were every well explained.

  2. Funny that you should choose THESE videos. I know Pat McKeague, who stars in those MathTV videos. :)

  3. Sequences can be difficult to understand at times, but they are a great tool to use in math. I found these videos to be very helpful and I also enjoyed them.

  4. This was fun to watch, all those different sequences can be confusing but interesting at the same time. Also, I agree with Desi - it's interesting to find all the sequences used.

  5. I think that this blog comes from a very interesting and sincere aspect of comprehending sequences. Its helpful for anyone from the adult to the children's need for understanding sequences.
